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Source: Instagram

We would like to draw your attention because many counterfeit Japanese Binchotan from Kishu are currently circulating.


Thiss sellers try to mislead the consumer with often misleading names, such as "Japanese Binchotan" which is made in China, Indonesia or Laos, or "Bintochan"instead of Binchotan. Others outright usurp the official yellow stickers issued by the Japanese authorities to certify Binchotan in order to sell counterfeit binchotan. We can also read on the Internet that the Japanese would have "exported their know-how to Laos following the Fukushima incident", which is purely untrue given that the Binchotan production region has noNeverbeen affected (as indicated by our radioactivity test, which is transparently availablehere). 

VSCounterfeit coals, sold at low prices on the Internet or in certain organic stores (who are seduced by the natural appearance of the product, but are unaware of its origin) are potentially dangerous to health!_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_



Here are some tips to help consumers recognize a genuine Japanese Binchotan from Kishu: 

  • real Japanese Binchotan only floatsNever, even temporarily:Ubamegashi holm oak is a fibrous and very dense wood. Once transformed into real Japanese Binchotan, its carbon content reaches at least 90%. It is therefore heavy and immediately sinks. In Japan, a Binchotan which floats is a defective charcoal (problem of cooking or binchotan made with less expensive and less dense wood than the traditional Japanese Ubamegashi). Even if the wood has "knots", our real Japanese Binchotans do not float, the proof in pictures:  

  • the yellow sticker issued by the Japanese authorities is stuck on the product:  in Japan, certain coals cannot travel by plane, and in particular Binchotan coals intended for the barbecue which are flammable.Only coals intended for water purification can travel by air, provided that they carry a sticker certifying that the product is not flammable. To receive this stamp, the Binchotan of Kishu is examined by the Charcoal Cooperative. Vignettes are issueduniquely  to producers of genuine Japanese Binchotan from Kishu. Thus, coals from other regions of Japan, or other countries cannot receive it.To be issued the precious sticker, the coal must have at least a carbon content of 90% (minimum rate for Binchotan intended for water purification).The yellow sticker therefore guarantees both the non-flammability, but also the origin and quality of a Binchotan from Kishu.


Visually, barbecue charcoal and Binchotan charcoal for water purification are very similar. The yellow sticker is currently the only way to tell them apart. The presence of this sticker ensures that you are in the presence of an authentic Binchotan, which is not intended for barbecue and which is made in Japan in the Kishu region. 


The sticker must be original and pasted oneach product: this is the only way to authenticate your staff of Binchotan. A photocopied sticker does not mean that the charcoal is authentic, since even from Japan it could be a Binchotan for cooking, and not a Binchotan intended to purify water.TAll our products are delivered with their original sticker.


  • the origin is verifiable:  many sellers claim to sell real Japanese Binchotan, without ever providing proof. A seller of traditional Japanese Binchotan in good faith will have no trouble providing you with the import certificate for his products, attesting to the origin of the product. If you cannot access it and the seller is reluctant to provide it to you, be careful. Likewise, if the seller tells you that the Binchotan is made"according to the Japanese method" but outside of Japan, you are not in the presence of a real Japanese Binchotan (would a French bread made in India still be a French bread?). In the interests of transparency and seriousness towards the consumer, the origin of our Binchotan can be consulted here.

  • genuine Japanese Binchotan tested negative for radioactivity:the prefecture of Wakayama had various samples of Binchotan analyzed to guarantee their perfect harmlessness. For our part, we also carried out an independent study in France to confirm these results. you will find ithere.Do not hesitate to demand these tests, because the producers of real Japanese Binchotan systematically provide them in order to reassure consumers.

A real Japanese Binchotan from Kishu costs only €2.50 per month: this is the price of your health and safety.

Of course, we only sell authentic Kishu Binchotan certified for water purification.



Some Asian countries (notably China, Laos, Vietnam or Thailand) try to imitate the Japanese Binchotan witha less dense and less expensive wood (such as eucalyptus), which floats and cannot remain submerged in water to purify it.Unlike Japanese wild forests which are eco-managed without the use of pesticides or fertilizers, this wood is sometimesgrown with pesticides and activated with chemical solvents, in order to produce charcoal at low cost in a few days, whereas a real Binchotan from Kishu has a very low yield: it is cooked for several weeks andactivated only with water vapor (source:here).

Even worse,some counterfeits are produced with radioactive wood, while a genuine Binchotan tests negative for radioactivity (see our independent test under "benefits > non-radioactive").


In addition, some unscrupulous sellers may also sell you barbecue charcoal instead of charcoal intended for water purification. These carbons have insufficient activation andstill contain tars which they release into the water.


Without a yellow sticker, you will have no way of differentiating a Japanese Binchotan charcoal from Kishu for barbecues from a Japanese Binchotan charcoal intended for purifying water! It is therefore important to require the presence of this sticker on your Kishu binchotan.

Find in the shop our authentic Binchotan:  

japanese binchotan charcoal Kishu Wakayama activated carbon water purifier takesumi bamboo charcoal ceramic beads EM bulk dealer Tosa Mizayak supplier binchotani 

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